AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Detroit District Recap

Written by Ryan Cesiel on March 26, 2011

Hanging a TubeThe AdamBots had another outstanding robotics weekend at the Detroit District event at Wayne State University the weekend of March 18, 2011.  We finished in third place after the qualification rounds with and 11-1 record.  Our alliances averaged 51 points per game against the average of 19 for the losing alliance.  Our only loss was against an alliance that included team 217, the Thunderchickens from Utica High School, who ended up as the champions.  Their only loss in the qualification rounds to an alliance that included us.  Our new, smaller and faster, minibot was very successful after working on the deployment method and strategy… Read More

“Victory Goes Beyond Winning” – 2011 Alamo Regional

Written by Ryan Cesiel on March 9, 2011

2011 FIRST Alamo RegionalThe AdamBots traveled to San Antonio to participate in the 2011 inaugural FIRST Alamo Regional and meet their rookie team, Team LamBot 3478, for the first time.  It may seem like a week 1 competition at an inaugural regional is a recipe for failure.  But the administration and volunteers of the Alamo Regional ran a very successful competition.  Thanks to them and all the wonderful teams at the Alamo, we had a very enjoyable and extraordinary experience.  No, we did not win the Alamo Regional, but we did have a very successful regional.

Mr. and Mrs. Drummer arrived in San Antonio with the robot Wednesday night and a helpful group of LamBots (Team 3478) unload the robot and setup the pit.  Students and other mentors arrived Wednesday evening around 11:30pm in San Antonio after a lengthy connecting flight.

On Thursday, we did some fine tuning, practicing, and helped Team LamBot 3478 with problems they were having on their robot.  The juniors that were taking the ACT and MME arrived Thursday night with Mr. CesielRead More

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