AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Michigan State Championship Recap

Written by Ryan Cesiel on April 15, 2011

Hanging a TubeIf there’s one word to describe this past weekend its definitely “wow.”  The AdamBots finished as finalists at arguably the hardest, most competitive event in FIRST.

We were fortunate to have a more favorable qualification schedule and took advantage of it.  Thursday night, all day Friday, and Saturday morning, we competed in 12 qualification matches and finished with an overall record of 8 wins and 4 losses, earning us the #12 seed.  We scored over 100pts five times and scored a high of 140pts in qualification match #143.

We also had success elsewhere on Friday.  Instead of giving out the yellow rubber ducks like we usually do, we asked people to donate whatever they could in exchange for a pink, cancer awareness duck.  All $154.41 of our proceed go towards our 2011 Relay for Life fundraising campaign and benefit the American Cancer Society… Read More

Troy District Recap

Written by Ryan Cesiel on April 6, 2011

ScoringThe AdamBots had yet another successful competition this past weekend at the Troy District at Troy Athens High School. Despite extremely tough competition from some of the best teams in Michigan, we were semifinalists and recipients of both the Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Entrepreneurship Award and the Best Website Award for the third straight time.

On Friday, our primary driver, Alex Shultz, was at a welding competition and both Emily Bolewitz and Tanay Patel drove and helped maintain an excellent qualification match record.  We finished Friday with 7 match wins and only 2 losses.

Programming TeamMeanwhile, the Programming Team was working feverishly between matches and whenever they could get the robot to get a working autonomous mode.  They had to overcome several obstacles throughout the year, but stuck with it, and persevered.  Just before the elimination rounds on Saturday, they got it working.  Congratulations to Steven PloogJason MerloBen Bray and their mentors Mrs. Keithly, and Mr. ShultzRead More

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