AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Build Season 2012 – Week 3 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on January 28, 2012

The third week of the 2012 FIRST Build Season was a tough one, as semester examsdsc01007 took place during the week. Still, the teams made a good effort to come to robotics meetings and build sessions after studying from Monday to Friday. Teams started working together more than ever before this week, as the pressure of having only three weeks of build remaining at this half-way point pushed the students and mentors to make speedy progress….Read More

Build Season 2012 – Week 2 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on January 21, 2012

Throughout the second week of build for our 2012 FIRST robot, we continued to innovate and improve on our designs and strategies for the robot. Tuning our roller system and a simulation feed system, we did a substantial amount of testing to see how we could improve our design for when we build the final bot.
The field team began constructing a replica of the FIRST field that could be used for practice, working long hours and nearly finishing the complete test field. The programming and CAD teams continued to work on the computing and electronics of the robot, and the marketing and website team made progress in social media and photo sharing methods…Read More

Build Season 2012 – Week 1 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on January 18, 2012

Last week marked the beginning of a new FIRST season for the Adambots. Starting with an inspirational kickoff at Novi High School, the team began to design their robot for this year’s FIRST game, the basketball-themed “Rebound Rumble”.  Meeting at Crittenton Hospital, we were further informed of the game’s rules and strategies in an educational presentation by Mr. Drummer.

 After the presentation, we were split into design groups and asked to give our design ideas for the team’s latest robot. In an extremely productive design session, we were faced with a plethora of questions for their robot strategy- Would the robot be offensive, or defensive? Would it utilize an arm or shooter… Read More

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