AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Build Season 2012 – Week 6 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 18, 2012

The sixth week of build for the Adambots was our most busy as we were pushed to meet deadlines for the website and for chariman’s, and also as the build deadlines quickly approached.

The Safety Team handed out safety cards to each of the students to ensure that all students using tools have permission to.

The Business Plan team finished their plan.

The Marketing and Website Team finished the website and trained students to efficiently… Read More

Build Season 2012 – Week 5 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 11, 2012

In the fifth week of our FIRST build season, the Adambots worked frantically in order to beat the fast-approaching deadlines. With only a week left for the website and two for the robot, the Adambots were forced to work faster than ever to meet their robotic goals.cameron-on-computer

The Marketing and Website Team distributed the new bowling shirts and took team pictures, made new Adambots buttons, made videos, and worked hectically on the wesbite which was due in week 6.

The Animation Team finished hair and drew designs for the…Read More

Build Season 2012 – Week 4 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 4, 2012

dsc01022Week four of our build season was especially busy for the CAD Team, who stayed after school from 3-9 on almost all weekdays to work drawing up the robot, the control board, the Lazy Susan, the shooter, and the rollers on CAD. The other teams met on some of the weekends and all day Saturday to work on both engineering and non-engineering jobs for the FIRST robotics season….Read More

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