AdamBots Blog

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2012 FIRST World Championship

Written by AdamBot Student on May 3, 2012

Watch our games from the FIRST World Championship Archimedes Division on Youtube!

Ranked 14th and semi-finalists at the Michigan State Championship, earned the Adambots a spot at the FIRST World Championship in St. Louis, Missouri.

c-img_3442Leaving Adams High School at 2:45 pm and reaching St. Louis around 2 am, left us a bit tired for our first day of competition.

Thursday, April 26th was a decent day for Margarita, our robot. Of course, she had the help of our amazing drive team, Tanay, Steven, Becky, Ben and Jason. They won two of their four matches and nothing broke! It was a first! We tried for the website award, however team 115, MVRT, won instead.

Friday, April 27th proved to be even more successful than Thursday. We won every match that day. Autodesk awarded … Read More

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