AdamBots Blog

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OCCRA 2012 Week 5 & Championship Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on November 18, 2012

The OCCRA 2012 season has finally come to a close with the OCCRA Championship held on November 17th at Holly High School. It was a fun competition and learning experience for all of the AdamBots, and we ended it with much success.

2012 OCCRA Championship

The week leading up to the championship was, as always, a hectic one.

The build team made some last-minute modifications to the bot,  including adding some new wheels to improve the traction of the robot and allow for more maneuverability  and scoring success while being pushed around by other robots.

Besides the build and drive team’s usually pre-competition preparations, other teams were also busy at work. New members of the programming team continued to learn how to use java, while the experienced students continued to teach them how to create new code.

The marketing team also began brainstorming ideas for new methods of spreading the team message for the FIRST season. They worked on improving team communication and job management, and created a vague layout of what they wanted to do during FIRST…Read More

OCCRA 2012 Week 4 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on November 9, 2012

Watch this week’s matches on YouTube!

Although we were only in school for 3 days this past week due to the election, it was an eventful one for the AdamBots.

birmingham-competition17The build team made some modifications to our robot in the days leading up to our fourth competition on Thursday at Birmingham Seaholm High School. The modifications made were fixes of minor issues. The first was a repair of LEDs that were damaged in the previous competition. The second was the reworking of a set of small flaps attached to the top roller. They were originally added in an attempt to allow the robot to manipulate the green ball, but were not successful in that regard. However, they did increase the distance the yellow balls are launched out of the roller, and that has had a very positive impact on our scoring capability.

The Thursday competition went well for us, though we got our lowest ranking so far this season, coming in third place with 82 points. The matches were some of the most exciting yet, with defensive robots fighting harder than ever. Unfortunately, our robot tipped over during our third game, but the damage was minimal and we were still able to pull off a win, continuing our winning streak. We won all of our matches on Thursday…Read More

OCCRA 2012 Week 3 & Diversity Competition Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on November 4, 2012

The third week of OCCRA was a great one, as we competed in the extremely fun Diversity Showcase Competition at South Lyon East High School in South Lyon, Michigan.


The week leading up to the competition was a busy one, as both girls and mentors were trained to drive the robot in the diversity showcase. Also, many modifications were made to the robot to allow our performance to be as good as possible. Some modifications were made to prevent the robot from losing the chain, and the hands were removed to make sure it stays below the weight limit. Tape was added to the bottom roller to make it easier to pick up balls. More tape was also put across the top of the gripper assembly to cover all sharp edges. The robot also underwent preliminary testing of its capability to manipulate and score the large green ball. We did not score with the green ball during the showcase, but we made some solid attempts and hopefully we will be able to score it in the coming competitions…Read More


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