Adambots Advocacy
At MAC, the Adambots interacted with many other Michigan teams generating ideas to maintain the finding budget for STEM programs in Michigan. They met with Senator Mark Tisdel and Michael Webber. At the meeting with Tisdel, he expressed his support for STEM programs in Michigan, describing Rochester Hills as a significant factor of the STEM functions in Michigan. Also expressed his support for continuing the budget for Michigan teams. The Adambots also attended a tour at JR Automation where they were given the opportunity to walk the facility and meet with different executives from JR Automation including the Vice President Bryan Jones. The Adambots are also continuing their advocacy efforts this year through Rochester United Advocacy. They have done things like getting a spot on the RCS “school board spotlight on success,” created a survey to reach out to alumni to gather data, and held weekly meetings to gather information on their future agenda.