AdamBots Blog

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Build Season 2013 – Week 3 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on January 29, 2013

This week was one of the busiest as we were back to school after exam week and had to work at twice the rate to make up for the time we lost. Luckily we were able to make some excellent progress with our design throughout the week.

January 21st Build DayOn Monday, January 21st, there was no school. This however, did not stop the Adambots from working towards our first competition of the season, being held in four weeks. Throughout the day, multiple sub-groups met , including all build, marketing, and animation teams. It was a very productive start to the week. The rest of the days the build teams worked after school to continue building the robot. While by the end of the week only some of the basic components had been build, we made some good progress and we look on track to complete our goals.

Each team met at some point during the week, with the build teams there almost daily, working diligently to complete their tasks…Read More

Build Season 2013 – Week 1 & 2 Video Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on January 21, 2013

AdamBots wins Safety Animation Award!

Written by AdamBot Student on January 19, 2013

Congratulations to our animation team for winning the award for best safety animation in this year’s FIRST! Watch our animation, “Chain Reaction” here:

Source: ( teams)

Build Season 2013 – Week 2 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on

Even though this week was exams and we were only able to work for about half the time as usual, we made some progress with prototypes and designs and most teams were able to get some work done. Thisweek the Adambots held more design meetings to get ready for the first competition of the season in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. On Tuesday, January 15, their was a team meeting for all members to attend. Many of the sub-teams also met, such as marketing, which has been working on things specifically for the Myrtle Beach competition, such as a new t-shirt design.

saturday-19th-build-3The Chassis Team is still waiting for parts to arrive. Almost all of the chassis has been drawn on CAD, and until parts arrive the team will focus on training the new students. Several members have started to build the slots for the motor mounts.

Over the past week, the Programming Team has been getting ready to program the robot as it becomes done. The team discussed a few new ways to identify and track the new reflective targets, and tested out the new cameras. The team set up a Git version-control system to better organize program updates and tests, which should allow for faster and more-convenient changes to the robot during the last few days of the build season. The team also tested last year’s motor controllers to be ready for when this year’s robot comes along…Read More  

Build Season 2013 – Design Week Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on January 15, 2013

The 2013 FIRST game, Ultimate Ascent, was finally announced at the January 5th kickoff, and since the AdamBots have begun discussing, creating, and testing designs for this year’s robot.

design-meeting-10The first week and a half of the FIRST build season has been, as ever, extremely busy as we’ve had to start from the beginning again to create a brand new robot design, one that is now challenged to shoot discs, climb pyramids, and compete in a game that will require a lot of strategy.

To begin our ascent into this year’s competition, we met at Crittenton Hospital to discuss the new game. After a thought-provoking presentation about Ultimate Ascent by mentor Rick Drummer, we split up into six different teams to come up with designs for the robot and its different mechanisms. This year we had many elements of the robot to consider, including the type of shooter, method of disc pickup, whether or not we wanted to climb, and what size robot we wanted to make. The meeting was very productive and we came up with some interesting and varied designs…Read More

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