AdamBots Blog

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Build Season 2013 – Week 6 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 18, 2013

The sixth and final week of build has been a crazy one, as all engineering teams have been scrambling to finish putting the robot together and testing it so it will be competition ready when we bag it on Tuesday, February 18th.

We decided to build two robots: one to take to the competition, and one to practice with once the competition bot is bagged. We built the practice robot first so we could figure out any problems that needed to be fixed when we build the final robot.Luckily, by this Saturday, the first robot was almost done, and the chassis for the second was almost complete. Throughout the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday, which were days off school, we have been hard at work to complete and then test both robots.

Week 6

The Chassis Team are basically done with their work, as both chassis have been made. They have been helping other teams complete their building.

The Climbing Team are practically done with the CAD and, despite a few roadblocks, are making good progress on their build.

The Shooter Team have finished both shooters. They tested the second shooter, using the Field Team‘s goals, with much success, on Saturday….Read More

Build Season 2013 – Week 5 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 12, 2013

The fifth week of our build season was the most stressful yet, with time left to build the robot constantly decreasing and deadlines fast approaching for both engineering and non-engineering teams. Unfortunately, many of the engineering

Build Season Week 5sub-teams are behind on their work, including the shooter and climbing teams, although with days off school approaching and another week left for build, we should be in good shape to meet our deadline for bag-and-tag.

This week was a busy one, with meetings every day as well as a team photo shoot on Saturday. We also had additional team photos taken for the Rochester “Community First” Award, which honors groups that give back to the local community…Read More

Build Season 2013 – Week 4 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 3, 2013

To say the least, our fourth week of build was a hectic one. Going into it, we seemed to be on time with deadlines for CADding and building, but on Monday we had a snow day. As fun as snow days are, it turnedout to be bittersweet as we were unable to work on our robot at school that day and as such we were very short on time for the rest of the week. Still, progress was made by every team and we should be able to adjust and complete our goals as the build season nears its deadline.

Here are the progressions from the sub-teams this week:

Saturday February 2nd 2013The Chassis Team has finished their first chassis, weighing only 41 pounds! They’ve finished making the transmissions, and started placing bumpers on it. The second chassis is placed on hold until the other teams finish.

Despite the temporary lull, the Climbing Mechanism Team began construction and already has the primary components for the mechanism ready. Although the team has its parts prepared, it is awaiting a finalized design for the robot in order to affirm the mechanism’s exact placement. The transmissions and motors are prepared, so the preliminary trials of the device have begun, starting with basic trials on Saturday…Read More

Build Season 2013 – Week 3 Video Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on

Alumni Interview: Paul Albertus

Written by AdamBot Student on February 2, 2013

Paul Albertus

We interviewed alumnus Paul Albertus 14 years after he graduated, and was a member of the initial AdamBots team in 1999. Paul Albertus answered our questions about his life after the robotics team and how his experiences as an AdamBot affected him and what he learned… Read More


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