AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Interview with Sydney Micklas, Shooter Team Leader

Written by AdamBot Student on February 24, 2014


Why did you join the AdamBots?
Because, coming into high school I didn’t really know anyone, except for the driver that year. People were talking about robotics and I saw the robot at orientation before, it seemed really neat and something that would be a hobby of mine throughout my schools years at Adams…Read More

Post-bag-and-tag Week 1 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 23, 2014

Our robot was finally bagged and tagged on Tuesday after a lengthy build season made hectic by a plethora of snow days, but we have continued to work past bag-and-tag on other projects, both engineering and business-related.

This week, the Ball Shooter Team finalized the competition robot for bag and tag and worked on the second robot for practice. We fixed two major problems, which were both latching issues. We also created the shooter heads with a 3D printer that included our logo.2-22-14-003

The Ball Acquisition Team worked hard to get Andromeda bagged and tagged by February 18th. We are working on fixing the spring in the second shooter for Perseus, the second robot.

The Programming Team has successfully verified all of the controls and actuators on both of the FRC robots. We are finishing the development of all controls for the drive team, as well as building all necessary calibration data for autonomous, pick-up, and firing.

The Marketing Team held a tour for parents and sponsors of our build space, pit, and practice field. Team members gave presentations about what goes into running an FRC team and the process of making a robot and making business submissions. VIP sponsors and many parents came and enjoyed our presentation. Our hope was to give a sense of all the different experiences that can be made on the AdamBots and variety of things we do, and it seems that we achieved our goal…Read More

Build Season Week 6 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 16, 2014

It’s getting closer and closer to bag-and-tag day and here our build, programming, and business activities are moving along at a rapid pace as we near our deadlines. Due to mid-winter break we have a four day weekend and so we will be working non-stop until the robot is bagged on Tuesday. dsc08552

All of the sub-teams have been meeting and have made a lot of progress in this final build week.

The Ball Shooter Team has been working hard to finish up before bag and tag day. We have completed the first shooter with only a few minor things to do left. We would also like to have the second shooter built soon after bag and tag day, if not before.

This week the Ball Acquisition Team has finished our part on the competition robot!…Read More

Build Season Week 5 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 8, 2014

2-2-14-015The stress level is over 9,000 as we near the end of our 2014 build season for Aerial Assist. Build teams and business teams alike are working down to the wire to complete their projects for the season.

The Ball Shooter Team has done a great deal of work this week. We are almost finished with building the first shooter and only have to mount the latch to have it complete. As soon as that is done we will start building a second, identical shooter.

This week the Ball Acquisition Team has been working furiously on the finalization of the CAD and the construction of the practice robot. The CAD is very close to being completed and all the parts should be ready to be printed out so they can be made. Most of the assembly for the main pickup arm has been completed and very few things remain to be assembled on the practice robot except a few welds and a couple parts that need to be precision machined. The rest of the assembly has been going well now that we have overcome several design challenges and should be completed soon…Read More

Build Season Week 4 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 2, 2014

As week 4 comes to a close, the AdamBots continue to work hard towards our robot and other projects for the 2014 season.

This year we have a new team- the Fabrication Team. The purpose of the fabrication team is mostly to optimize workflow. They create the parts for the build teams to assemble and ensure that they are quality. This team is also a great place for new members to learn the basics and develop build techniques.

This week has been a heavy work week for the Ball Shooter Team. We have gotten into the fabrication stage, and have had a fair number of parts made for us already. Our CAD drawing is also nearly complete.2-1-14-027

This week the Ball Acquisition Team finished most CAD, with only finishing touches. We have started making parts along with the fabrication team. It has been tough to work around the lost days due to school closings, but we have been working hard to hit the ground running with building…Read More

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