AdamBots Blog

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2014 Howell District Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on March 18, 2014


The Michigan FRC events have started rolling for the AdamBots with the Howell District, which we attended last week on Friday & Saturday.

Our performance at the event was clearly an improvement over the Hub City Regional, as we won 9 of our 12 matches. Of the 12 qualification matches ,we had nine on Friday. We were undefeated for the first six, then lost two in a row and won the last one. Our robot, now experienced after a “practice run” in Texas, performed at a higher level and was consistent in autonomous, scoring, assisting, and shooting over the truss, and we were able to win many matches, even holding first place for quick a long time…Read More


2014 Hub City Regional Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on March 12, 2014

Last weekend, the AdamBots visited Lubbock, Texas to attend the Hub City Regional, our “warm event” of the year. It was a great warm-up for the rest  of the FIRST season, and we left as semi-finalists with the Spirit Award and the Innovation in Control Award!

1962883_591686740921943_1203511703_nWe left for Texas (well, most of us, as some juniors had to stay behind for a few extra days to take the ACT) on Wednesday, March 5th and began competition on the 6th with a day of practice matches. Though the day was slow as a lot of technical issues were still being solved, it was a good learning experience that prepared us for the qualification matches the next day.

On Thursday the official games begun, and we were able to see Arial Assist in full action for the first time. We saw all kinds of robots, specializing in defense, offense, and teamwork and using a variety of interesting and unique designs. We lost our first match, won our second and third, lost our fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh, won our eighth, lost our ninth and tenth, and won our eleventh and twelfth for an overall score of 5 and 7. One of our games had a score change, so we ended up with 6 and 6 and 21st on the leader-board…Read More

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