AdamBots Blog

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2014 Michigan State Championship Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on May 1, 2014 in Adambots Blog

After just qualifying for the Michigan State Championship in 59th place, we brought Andromeda to Eastern Michigan University for another three days of Aerial Assist.

Our troubles started early on Thursday, April 10. Despite a strong showing from our team due to spring break, Andromeda’s arm failed to cooperate, costing us an autonomous shot in each of the three matches we played in. As a result, we lost our day 1 matches 161-191, 150-197, and 140-182 respectively.4-15-14-nikon-163

Fortunately, our shooter began working by day 2, where we won 5 out of our 7 matches. We split our final two qualification matches on day 3, finishing in 30th with a record of 6-6.

Sadly, we did not get selected for eliminations, but we still enjoyed a delicious tailgate lunch before watching the afternoon matches.

Congratulations to teams 27, 33, and 314 who took home the blue banner! While we did not make it to Worlds this year, we did not come home empty-handed. Our shooter build captain Sydney Micklas was named to the state Dean’s List and won a trip to St. Louis to compete for World’s Dean’s List!4-15-14-nikon-268

That puts a wrap to our 2014 FIRST season and Aerial Assist. We look forward to a relaxing off season before another exciting year!

Written by Simon Sun