AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

2015 FRC Blogs: Week 5 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 9, 2015

February 2nd, we got a lovely present: a few feet of snow. While we were pretty happy about having snow days and being able to sleep in, a closed school meant that we couldn’t exactly get into our build space. Come Tuesday, the 3rd, we were blessed and cursed with another snow day. As opposed to sitting at home crying about how much we miss robotics, a hefty group of engineer mentors and student sub-team leaders crammed into Mr. Drummer’s office to continue building our BOM and shaping up our CAD… Read More

2015 FRC Blogs: Build Weeks 3 & 4

Written by AdamBot Student on February 7, 2015

Weeks 3 and 4 certainly kept our CAD team busy. After we had a few emotional bouts with our CAD software and some magical, disappearing parts, we set up a new organization system that seems to be keeping things in order a bit better… Read More

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