AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

FRC Traverse City District 2015

Written by AdamBot Student on March 26, 2015

After Howell, we loaded our bus and headed to Traverse City for our second competition of the season. Anastasia did well at Howell, but she really shined at Traverse City. It only took a few qualification matches for us to crawl to the top of the list. We remained first seed for a majority of the competition, and never dropped below third place… Read More

FRC Howell District 2015

Written by AdamBot Student on

This past weekend the AdamBots and CyberCats competed in their first competition of the season at Parker Middle School in Howell, Michigan. After six weeks of designing and building, and then a feverish six hours of out-of-bag time, Anastasia and Genesis were ready to prove their stuff.

From the start, it was an interesting competition. We started the day against our sister team, team #5436, The CyberCats. They started the day off strong by beating the AdamBots, 8-24. As the day progressed, we made minor changes to the robots between matches. Friday, while maybe a bit tougher than we anticipated, was still a great day. Match after match, we got stronger. Our drive team learned, our team cheered, and our robot exposed weaknesses that we had the opportunity to fix. The scores are below, with ours bolded… Read More

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