AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

OCCRA Championship at Walled Lake Western High School

Written by AdamBot Student on November 30, 2015

On Saturday, November 21st, the AdamBots attended the 2015 OCCRA County Championship. Going into alliance selections, the AdamBots were ranked second. We picked team 308, the Monsters, from Walled Lake High School as our alliance partners. We won two out of our three quarterfinal matches to move on to the semifinals. Unfortunately, in the semifinals, […]

OCCRA Competition at Marion High School

Written by AdamBot Student on November 7, 2015

On Saturday, November 7th, 2015, the AdamBots competed at their third OCCRA competition at Marion High School! This competition was the Diversity tournament where there are 6 matches. 1 of these is co-ed, 2 are all girls, 1 is adults, and the last 2 are all boys. We did very well, and in a tie […]

OCCRA Competition at Birmingham Groves High School

Written by AdamBot Student on November 2, 2015

On Thursday October 29th, 2015, the AdamBots competed in their second OCCRA competition at Birmingham Groves High School. We finished in a close second place with a score of 96! The team is excited and hopes to do well at our next competition at Marian High School on November 7th! Written by Nina Janies  

OCCRA Competition at West Bloomfield High School

Written by AdamBot Student on

The AdamBots first Oakland County Competitive Robotics Association (OCCRA) competition was on Saturday, October 24th, 2015 at West Bloomfield High School. Our team received first place with a score of 87 points total along with the Technical Excellence Award. We are very pleased with the results of our matches and our robot design and strategy. […]

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