AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

2016 FRC Blogs: Build Week 2

Written by AdamBot Student on January 24, 2016

The AdamBots have had another extremely busy and productive week. On the engineering side of the team, the Design Selection Team selected our design on Tuesday. The Strategy and Scouting Team was able to finalize our strategy for the robot and check that our design meets the basic strategy. They also created an autonomous strategy. […]

2016 FRC Blogs: Build Week 1

Written by AdamBot Student on January 17, 2016

Welcome to FIRST STRONGHOLD, the 2016 FIRST Robotics Competition Game! On January 9th, teams around the world watched online as the new game was revealed. FIRST STRONGHOLD is a medieval tower defender game in which alliances select defenses to fortify their side of the field, and then compete simultaneously to breach the opponent’s defenses and […]

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