AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

2017 FRC Blogs: Build Week 6

Written by AdamBot Student on February 22, 2017

Our build season is done! At 9:34 PM on Tuesday night, the AdamBots closed our robot within its bag, marking its completion until our first competition. To reach this position, the whole team has been putting in extra hours. The Mechanical Teams finished systems for driving the robot, manipulating game objects, and climbing the rope […]

2017 FRC Blogs: Build Week 5

Written by AdamBot Student on February 15, 2017

The end of the build season is in view; we are finalizing our robot on February 21st! To prepare, the Mechanical Teams have been meeting every day. They have finished the practice robot and are now working on the competition robot. The Electrical Team has nearly completed the wiring on both robots. The CAD Team […]

2017 FRC Blogs: Build Week 4

Written by AdamBot Student on February 8, 2017

The build season for the AdamBots is in full swing. The Mechanical Teams are nearing completion of the practice robot. Among them, Mechanical One finished the chassis, Mechanical Two attached its systems to the rest of the robot, and Mechanical Three tested its mechanisms. Members of the Drive Team practiced together. They worked on controlling the […]

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