AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

OCCRA Championship

Written by AdamBot Student on November 19, 2017

Our 2017 OCCRA season concluded with the Championship on November 18! In the four qualifier competitions, we scored a total of 495 points, landing us in rank six. At the Championship, we won our two matches with scores of 64-0 and 69-43, moving us up to the fifth rank! We were selected by the first […]

2017 FRC Blogs: Bloomfield Hills Girls Competition

Written by AdamBot Student on November 13, 2017

Our last competition of the 2017 FIRST Robotics Competition was this Saturday, November 11th! At this event, all drive team members and pit crew members must be girls. This allows students who might get pushed to the side otherwise an opportunity to test their skills. Our other students, including our mascot Goldeneye, came to cheer […]

OCCRA Competition at Our Lady of the Lakes

Written by AdamBot Student on November 11, 2017

We had our fourth OCCRA tournament on November 9th at Our Lady of the Lakes, hosted by Lakers 5053! It was a great opportunity to showcase the work we’ve done since the Diversity Tournament. This time, we tried out our tee ball intake in a match, we added decals down the side, and we submitted our […]

OCCRA Competitions at Seaholm and Adams

Written by AdamBot Student on November 4, 2017

Our second tournament of our 2017 OCCRA season was on October 26th at Birmingham Seaholm! For this event, we experimented with an arm to grab balls off tees. Our new approach brought us both learning opportunities and victories, as we won two matches of four. Additionally, we won the Quality Award in recognition of the […]

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