AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

2018 FRC Blogs: Build Week Two

Written by AdamBot Student on January 22, 2018

As the FIRST POWER UP build season has continued, the entire team, whether related to engineering or business, has made great progress! Since Build Week One, we have come closer to finalizing our robot design as well as prototyped many ideas. In the coming week, we will continue to do all of this and more. […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Build Week One

Written by AdamBot Student on January 14, 2018

January 6th marks the beginning of FIRST Power-Up, the FRC game for our 20th season! We viewed the global online kickoff at Emagine Entertainment’s Rochester Hills theatre. In the game, robots must place milk crates on scales to tip them in their favor. Additional points are awarded for each robot that’s 12 inches above the […]

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