AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

2018 FRC Blogs: Build Week Six

Written by AdamBot Student on February 21, 2018 in 2018 FIRST, Adambots Blog

Blog Post Week Six As the final days of the build season approach, we have become more and more anxious to finish our six-week-long project! Out of our two robots to complete, one for practice and one for competitions, we have some work left on our competition robot. Most of the work put in this weekend will be from the Mechanical teams, which have to finish assembling the robot and making spare parts with the assistance of the Computer Aided Design team. Electrical will be placing the final elements of the electrical board this coming weekend and Programming is finalizing their competition code.

Also, because the Chairman’s and Business Plan teams have completed and submitted their essays, they now have time to work on the Chairman’s video submission, which will showcase the team’s accomplishments for the community and beyond. This weekend on February 24th, the AdamBots will host Meet the AdamBots, our annual open house organized by the Partner Relations team held to show what the AdamBots do. We hope to see you there!