AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

2018 FRC Blogs: Michigan State Championship

Written by AdamBot Student on April 19, 2018

Thursday marked the beginning of one of the largest robotics competitions in the world, the Michigan State Championship! Entering the championship as the 4th ranked team of the 160 teams in attendance, the AdamBots competed in the Ford Division. Throughout Thursday morning, we played practice matches to test our robot and demonstrate its capabilities for […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Troy District Event

Written by AdamBot Student on April 3, 2018

This past weekend, the AdamBots attended the District Troy Event at Athens High School, the last District Event we will compete in before the State Championship. Though it was not as successful as our previous events at Kettering and Escanaba, we hope to change this at the State Championship! On the first day of the […]

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