AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

2018 FRC Blogs: Troy District Event

Written by AdamBot Student on April 3, 2018 in Adambots Blog

This past weekend, the AdamBots attended the District Troy Event at Athens High School, the last District Event we will compete in before the State Championship. Though it was not as successful as our previous events at Kettering and Escanaba, we hope to change this at the State Championship!

On the first day of the competition, we won 3 out the 8 matches we played, leaving us ranked in 31st place. Though this was difficult to recover from, after 3 more successful matches the next day, we shifted to 18th place! During the alliance selection, we were chosen by our sister team, the Cyber Cats, Team 5436, to play with RoboPhoenix, Team 2224. After a tiebreaker that we won in the quarterfinals, we eventually lost in the semifinals against the 1st seed, teams 4362, 67, and 2676, who later won the competition. At this event, we did not win any further awards. However, we will have another chance to do so at the State Championship beginning on April 11th!