AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Kettering Kickoff 2018

Written by AdamBot Student on September 20, 2018

On September 14th, the Adambots attended our first of two offseason events: The Kettering Kickoff! Along with 44 other FRC teams, we brought back our 2018 season Power Up! robot to finally end the 2018 season. From the beginning of the day, Adambots in the stands cheered for our drive team in every match, whether […]

2018 OCCRA Blogs: Build Week One

Written by AdamBot Student on September 14, 2018

Our OCCRA season kicked off this Monday! This year, we’ll be building a robot for the game “Over and Out.” In the game, there are two roles for the robots on each alliance: “over” and “out,” separated by a fence. The “over” robot passes balls over the fence to their allied “out” robot, which then […]

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