AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Project Hephaestus

Written by AdamBot Student on October 21, 2019

Over the past few months, the AdamBots have created a new training program for first-year team members. The goal of this course is to allow the new members to gain hands-on experience of the engineering aspect of the AdamBots while also creating a robot for the holiday parade in December. During the first few sessions, […]

2019 Bloomfield Hills Girls Competition

Written by AdamBot Student on October 14, 2019

On October 12th the AdamBots participated in the Bloomfield Hills Girl’s Competition. At the Competition the AdamBots donated socks to the Baldwin Center donation box set up by another FRC team to provide warmth for disadvantaged teens throughout winter. In addition to being a great AdamBots outreach opportunity, this competition was a great chance for […]

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