AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

2020 FRC Blogs: Build Week 3

Written by AdamBot Student on January 25, 2020

Three weeks into build season and the engineering subteams have made great progress. The CAD team is making 3D models for the different parts of the robot while the Electrical team is working with them to plan and setup the electrical board and simultaneously wiring the robot. The Mechanical team is making parts for the […]

2020 FRC Blogs: Build Week 1

Written by AdamBot Student on January 11, 2020

The season has begun, and the team is already putting in their full effort to be prepared for Infinite Recharge. The Programming team is steadily progressing with their work, having set up a programming environment and transitioning to command based code. This wouldn’t have been possible without the Electrical team, who has started fixing a […]

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