AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Mexico RoboFest Presentation and Outreach

Written by AdamBot Student on November 15, 2021

Another year, another Mexico Robo Fest presentation by Mr. Drummer. Mr. Drummer spent an hour with about 35 students and mentors from teams in Mexico talking about what makes the Adambots a sustainable team and then had a Q & A for about 35 minutes.  Mr. Drummer states, “Lots of good questions on how to […]

Bloomfield Hills Girl’s Competition 2021

Written by AdamBot Student on

On Saturday, October 30th the AdamBots participated in the Bloomfield Hills Girls Competition. At the Bloomfield Hills Girl’s Competition the AdamBots donated socks to the Baldwin Center donation box set up by another FRC team to provide warmth for teens throughout winter. In addition to being a great outreach opportunity, this competition was a great […]

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