Mexico RoboFest Presentation and Outreach
Another year, another Mexico Robo Fest presentation by Mr. Drummer. Mr. Drummer spent an hour with about 35 students and mentors from teams in Mexico talking about what makes the Adambots a sustainable team and then had a Q & A for about 35 minutes. Mr. Drummer states, “Lots of good questions on how to get sponsors, how to organize a very small team, how to engage students, and how to document.” Key points Mr. Drummer talked about were the Adambots Core Values, Student Leadership, having a year-round team, community service and outreach, sponsor and partner relationships mentoring feeder programs, and strong business planning.
With the end of the OCCRA season approaching, the Adambots had their second OCCRA competition. The robot overall did better than the first competition, but still had many problems that needed to be fixed before the last competition. Things like the battery not being fully mounted, wires not connected to motors being vulnerable, and not being able to shoot balls made the competition difficult.
Outreach has started! Many outreach events have already happened, others are still waiting to happen. On October 25th, the Adambots headed to Dinosaur Hill to clean up after the Halloween celebrations. In a letter sent out to the Adambots from the Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve, Lynne Vettraino said, “Thanks for giving a HOOT about Dinosaur Hill! On behalf of all of us here at Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve, I would like to thank you for your part in the success of the 30th annual Halloween Hoot. We really appreciate your support this year. Please know you helped us be able to put on this major fundraising event for our community to enjoy while allowing us to raise money to go towards the funding of our environmental educational programs, care of our in-house animals, and keeping our nonprofit going” (See full letter below picture of the Adambots at Halloween Hoot cleanup). On Sunday, November 7th, the Adambots hosted yet another Hunger Walk. With teams FEDS and Cybercats, the Adambots raised a total of $882 and donated a total of 200 pounds of food to the Rochester Area Neighborhood House. A great year of Outreach and a win for the OCCRA team is in the future!