End of Season
What a season! Three district events and states. From Stoney Creek, Kentwood, Belleville, all the way to Saginaw Valley State University, the Adambots showed Gracious Professionalism and spirit all the way through.
The weekend of states was a rollercoaster. From unlucky calls from referees to robot malfunctions. The Adambots had a record of 4:1:0 on Thursday. On Friday, The Adambots had a record of 1:5:1. The Adambots placed 24th at the end of the qualifying matches. Although we didn’t come home with a banner or trophy, and we didn’t get selected for the quarterfinals, the weekend was a memorable one nonetheless. From the duck suit, to the pickle jar, the Adambots had a great end to their season. Now that we have more experienced and well-taught students, we will come back even stronger next season.
The Adambots aren’t quite done for this year. On the first day of the state competition, the Adambots did pink shirt day. Pink shirt day was a way to raise awareness and money for Relay for Life, which the Adambots are glad to say they are picking up once again this year. The Adambots raised a total of $460 from fundraising at states by selling pink rubber ducks. As another way of fundraising, the Adambots are also doing luminaries, which will be lit and shown on the night of Relay for Life, which is on June 11 and 12th. The Adambots are also restarting their Meet the Adambots event, which is going to be held on May 14th.
See you next year!