AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Fall Season Blogpost #6

Written by AdamBot Student on November 20, 2022 in Adambots Blog

The Mechanical subteam continues to work on the over the bumper intake for the swerve drive module. They are continuing to address issues such as stability and efficiency for the module. Mechanical has also disassembled old bots in order to train new students on all tools. The Electrical subteam continued to work on the wiring for the swerve drive chassis. They attached a motor for the soon to be intake, and they began adding pneumatics for the pneumatic cylinders for the intake. This week, the Programming subteam finished the intake and pneumatic code, and started working on a camera that will go on the robot for autonomous driving. Because many of the new students already know how to make basic parts, the CAD Subteam decided to teach them to build multiple parts and put them or constraining them together. 

The Imagery and Photo Video Subteam worked on creating a video detailing Adambots mentoring so in the past week the subteam interviewed students mentors and collected photos and videos of mentoring. This week the Media team started to add some of the outreach activities on the website. They also prepared the mentor and student pages. Alongside doing all of that, the new members of the team were also being trained. The Business Planning subteam is working on creating an Objectives and Tactics page within the business plan in order to outline how the adambots accomplish their mission statement, as well as making statistical and informational updates. This week the Impact and Communications subteam worked on finishing the 13 question summary and starting the executive summary. 

As the Adambots outreach comes to a close, this week the Adambots participated in the Coats for the Cold where members of the Adambots donate coats that are able to be used by the underprivileged this coming winter season. 

For the coming Thanksgiving season, the Adambots take a break from mentoring and their subteam meetings. See you after Thanksgiving!

The Adambots giving $1,050 to the Rochester Area Neighborhood House