Fall Season Blogpost #7
Countdown to the FIRST Kickoff: 1 month
Welcome back! The AdamBots are hard at work after Thanksgiving break to get all the aspects done before winter break. With just a couple weeks left, and not much to do, the AdamBots add their finishing touches to their respective subteams.
The Mechanical Sub-team continued to work on the intake and figuring out the correct dimensions. They were able to get the correct spacing and mounted the intake and took off the clamps and it is now nearly mechanically done. The Electrical subteam worked on wiring and getting the robot ready for the Christmas parade. The programming subteam planned to work on the intake for swerve drive and continued to work on the chassis and the field position code. The CAD team members made parts that we physically had in the build room. They are learning how to constrain multiple parts together to make one model.
The Imagery and Photo Video Subteam continued to work on creating a video detailing Adambots mentoring so in the past week the subteam interviewed students mentors and collected photos and videos of mentoring. The Media Subteam so far have been training our new members, working on the outreach pages/photo galleries, and getting ready to put up new student and mentor pages once the season starts. We’ve added links with descriptions about the different outreach activities that the team has done to the 2022 Outreach page and created an overarching outreach photo gallery that the links lead to. We also created drafts of pages for the new mentors and students without publishing them yet. In the future, we plan to add more outreach activities as they occur and prepare the student and mentor surveys. Once the season kicks off, we will send the surveys to the team and we can publish and update the pages as responses come in. The Business Planning subteam continued to edit the pages in the Business Plan as well as adding new subheadings. The Impact and Communications sub team continued to work on finishing up the last pieces of their executive summary and began their work on their essay.
With many of the teams for the FLL and FTC levels seasons over, the AdamBots are sadly done with mentoring for the 2022-2023 season. We still are attending their competitions to help out!