Fall Season Blogpost #8
As the Fall season comes to an end, the AdamBots close up the last of their work. They finished up the work needed to be done for their subteam, respectively. The AdamBots made great progress whether it be trying to learn a whole new system of building or redoing the entire business plan. With all the new changes the team has made, the AdamBots are very confident in their capabilities for the FIRST season and are looking forward to the advances they are going to make.
The Mechanical subteam finished mounting the last parts of the swerve drive prototype, and cleared up the mechanical room in preparation for the FIRST season. This week, the Programming subteam worked on relative field positioning as part of swerve drive and planned to work on intake in the future. They also continued to train students in Java. The imagery subteam worked on different projects, including the engineering notebook cover, and the core values poster, along with continuing to work on their mentoring video. The Impact and Communications subteam began formulating paragraphs for the executive summary’s key points.
This weekend, we had the opportunity to help at the FLL Sphinx festival at Rochester High School. Many AdamBots and FEDS from RHS assisted the tournament. The kids (when not presenting) had the chance to play games like cup-stacking, a foam rocket shooter, and creative lego building. In addition, they spent some time interacting with the FEDS’s robot which gave them a peek at what they’ll be doing in their future robotics careers. The AdamBots also took part in walking for the Christmas parade while demonstrating their robot and spreading the message of FIRST.
Thank you and the AdamBots for such a great way to KICKOFF into the FIRST season! Can’t wait and see you then!