AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Build Season Week #5

Written by AdamBot Student on February 14, 2023 in Adambots Blog

With the first competition approaching for the AdamBots, we are hard at work to finish our respective tasks. 

The Mechanical subteam finished attaching the telescoping arm to the robot and now have a few small changes to make but overall are mechanically done. They are now making spare parts for the robot and fixing the problems that arose during testing. The CAD subteam put brackets on the robot and finished redoing the arm. The Electrical subteam found the right length of the catrack, determined what width they would need with the wires needed to go through it, made the extension wires that go through the cat track, and prepared the spare swerve drive unit for programming to add to their test board. The programming subteam tested initial arm code on actual robot (failed), made plan to improve arm code so robot doesn’t break again, utilized PathWeaver for drivetrain to make Auton more accurate, drivetrain and vision collabed to combine field positioning with vision processing, adds accurate “GPS” for robot in field. 

The Impact and Communications subteam worked on their last pieces of their executive summary and their essay and made the changes necessary. All that’s left to do is hit the submit button! The Communication side worked on their newsletter and sent it out for January and is prepping for February’s. The Media Subteam rearranged the student page to properly organize all of the new students, removed students that graduated from the current students list, and made sure that everybody had a link to their page. The Business planning subteam continued to edit their sustainability and business plan. The Imagery Subteam started working on the inspiring Young Engineers poster, finished their revisions for the other assignments that didn’t get approved like the outreach poster and Engineering Notebook cover, and finally they got decal dimensions and started brainstorming the decal design. We made a rough mockup and we will primarily work on that and see if we can print next week. The Photo/Video subteam finished the script and mostly finished filming the impact video as well as compiling and editing the script.

Countdown till first competition: 2 weeks