Build Season Week #6
The Mechanical subteam worked on creating spare parts for the robot. They also worked on making camera mounts and fixing any parts broken on the robot. Lastly, they cleaned and organized the mechanical build space. The CAD subteam put the claw on the robot, worked on the electrical board, and finished up the rest of the robot. The Electrical subteam found out after some prototyping and testing that they would be needing two different cat tracks so they designed the 2nd one. Then they added both of them onto the robot. The programming subteam finished field relative control mode for drivetrain, added PID to arm and claw, continued to calibrate auto Arm positions, and created auto-align using drivetrain with vision integration.
The Impact and Communications subteam finished their executive summary and essay and submitted it!! The presentation pieces have been ordered and now they are going to work on putting it together. The communications sent out the blogpost and officially drafted the February newsletter. The Media Subteam added links for the new mentor pages to the sub teams page and linked pdfs of the impact award documents to the award submissions portion of the resources section on the site. They also updated the fun facts about FIRST on the “about FIRST” page. The Business planning subteam continued working on the edits sent in by the mentors and leads. The Imagery Subteam revised the dimensions for the decals and worked on improving some posters. They also worked on preparing the approved things to print. The Photo/Video subteam finished filming and started editing our impact video
Countdown till first competition: 1.5 weeks