AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Build Season Week #7

Written by AdamBot Student on March 1, 2023 in Adambots Blog

The Mechanical subteam We worked on repairing mechanical failures that occurred while testing the robot. Also we continued work on our spare arm and added mechanical limit switches to stop the arms rotation. The CAD subteam finished constraining the robot, rendering it, and finishing up putting decals on their designs. The Electrical subteam put some cameras on the robot, cleaned up the wiring, and adjusted the polycarb guards for both the cattracks, as well as wiring and boxing for the Impact presentation board. The programming subteam continued programming the robot as the first competition quickly approached. They went with the drive team to figure out the different problems with the robot.  

The Impact and Communications subteam continued working hard on their presentation, wiring and ordering the pieces, and practicing their lines. They with also send out the February newsletter. The Media Subteam worked on adding the business plan and the woodie flowers award to our website. The Business planning subteam worked on the last pieces of the sustainability plan and made edits as their final will now be printed. The Imagery Subteam started printing and got to be able to use the printer so that they could teach the future kids how to print. They transferred all of their imagery tasks to printable formats and made any changes. They also made the decals for the impact presentation. They finished by cutting and applying the robot decals. The Photo/Video subteam finished up the impact video! 

For the Advocacy part, this past Monday, the Adambots and our fellow Rochester United teams (The Feds and The Cybercats) met with Mayor Barnett and advocated for more funds through our many STEM companies in Rochester Hills. 

See you all after our first competition!

Countdown till first competition: 3 days!