AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Second week

Written by AdamBot Student on January 28, 2024 in Adambots Blog

The Adambots continue working hard! Despite some difficulties with the weather (and a couple of snow days) the Adambots continued work on their projects. On the Engineering side, Mechanical, Programming, and Electrical have confirmed a design plan and are ordering all the parts and items needed (so far). 

On the Business side, our subteams continue their work on their activities. Our Impact team finished up the executive summary, began polishing the essay, and began presentation decisions. The Sustainability team is working on updating the financial plan and graphics with this year’s budget info. The Photo/Video team is continuing their work on the Impact video as well as getting pictures of all the new students and veteran students if wanted. The Imagery team is working on offseason event posters and ideas. Media is working on updating the website with all the new pictures and keeping the social media up to date. 

The Adambots are looking forward to their first competition!!