AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Week 1: Post-Competition

Written by AdamBot Student on March 11, 2024 in Adambots Blog

Last week marked significant strides in enhancing our robot’s capabilities and we appreciate the dedicated students and mentors who have contributed their time and expertise to prepare us for the upcoming competition at Troy. Here is a brief overview of the improvements made since Kettering: 

We revamped the wrist motor transmission by adding a higher rear ratio, which enhanced PID loop performance, in turn fixing our robot’s precision and responsiveness.

We fixed the intake motor gear ratio, opting for a reduction to bolster torque during note pick-up. Saturday’s testing already confirmed the benefits of this adjustment, enhancing the scoring process into the Amp while also optimizing efficiency.

We redesigned the side guard Polycarp panel not only for protection but also to facilitate accessibility to collars and churro support screws on the side panel, ensuring maintenance and troubleshooting during intense matches.

We rerouted the electrical wiring to fortify protection and optimize wire pathways, mitigating potential hazards and guiding our robot’s internal infrastructure.

We promptly replaced a broken front camera mount and applied Loctite to all swerve drive screws accessible from the top side of the robot, taking away any potential complications during competition.

We fixed the structural integrity by replacing a cracked bendy rod and modifying the profile of chain hooks to prevent a repeat of chain dislodgement issues like we had at Kettering, ensuring our robot operates even under difficult messages.

We have added sleek new graphics ready to decorate our revamped side panel, effectively demonstrating our team’s spirit! 

These enhancements are preparing us for our next competition at Troy! With the business and engineering teams hard at work, we are reaching our full potential. We are excited and can’t wait to take part in Crescendo once again!