AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

First and Second Week

Written by Tvarika Vinothan on January 25, 2025 in Adambots Blog

The first two weeks of build season are done!

Our engineering teams have been working hard to strategize and prototype for the game! The Mechanical subteam has started working on various robot parts. The Electrical subteam has completed battery testing, wired up Kraken motors, and have almost finished the brain board for our robot. They have also been assisting the Programming team with anything they need. Programming has implemented Swerve Drive and tested it on a Chassis. CAD has been working with Mechanical on prototyping parts. The Scouting team has discussed what application they want to use this season, and have started to implement different scouter roles. Supply Chain has been ordering any parts the teams need so far. 

The Business subteams have been hard at work as well! The Impact subteam is finalizing the executive summary, begun the essay, and have started to plan for the Impact presentation. The Sustainability team is updating the Sustainability Plan with new data and working on environmental initiatives to promote environmental sustainability throughout the school. The Photo/Video team is working on creating/updating student and mentor profiles on our website. The Imagery team has been collecting photos for the team posters and they have been working on the impact decal and picture booth. The Marketing and Communications and Website subteams are working on the team’s social media and keeping the website up to date. 

The AdamBots are excited about the progress so far and look forward to the season!