AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Week 1: District Kettering #1

Written by Tvarika Vinothan on March 12, 2025 in Adambots Blog

The AdamBots had an awesome time at District Kettering #1!

The Engineering teams were hard at work gearing up for our first competition! The Mechanical, Electrical, CAD, and Programming subteams communicated with each other and were working in our build space everyday to ensure we had a robot ready to go for Kettering! The Scouting subteam finalized their scouting process and programs. Supply Chain continued to communicate with subteams and made sure to order any needed supplies and parts.

The Business teams were also working hard! Impact was practicing their presentation for the Impact Award, and keeping the factbook updated. Sustainability continued to promote our battery recycling initiative, and updating the Sustainability Plan. The Imagery team used the finalized Impact decal to make the presentation board. The Photo/Video team was also working on ensuring they are prepared for competition pictures, and are also finalizing the “How-To-Do” videos. The Website and the Marketing and Communications teams continue to keep the website and social media updated. 

After a rough start during day 1 of our competition, the AdamBots came back stronger for day 2! We finished in 24th place after the qualification matches were completed. We were chosen for the 5th Alliance by Team 573, The Mech Warriors from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, alongside Team 7491, The Cyber Soldiers from Burton, Michigan. Unfortunately we were eliminated during our 3rd semifinal match. We had a great time competing in this competition! 

Our team is thrilled and grateful to have won the Engineering Inspiration (EI) Award! This award celebrates outstanding success in advancing and appreciating engineering within our school and local communities! The District Championship Dean’s List Semi-Finalist winner was Anahita S., Congratulations Anahita, our team wishes you the best of luck at States!

We had a great time at Kettering District #1, and are looking forward to our next competition at Woodhaven in a few weeks!