Michael Jacobson
Year you started mentoring the team: 2017
Sub-teams: Photo Video
What are 2 fun facts about you?
Why did you join the AdamBots?
My son Logan joined the AdabBots and was really enjoying it. I’m not an engineer so I didn’t think I could add value to the team. Someone asked me if I would be interested in being a mentor for the photo/video team and I was in! It’s been a great way to share a common interest with Logan while allowing me to help students take their photo/video skills to the next level.
What is your favorite memory from robotics?
The Worlds Competition in Detroit. With multiple fields, an interactive expo and a really fun after party at Ford Field, it truly is an amazing event!
Why have you learned from being on the team?
I’ve learned what a great learning experience robotics can be for high school students. It’s not just learning how to build a robot.. it’s about working together, planning, organization, communication, creativity, execution, meeting deadlines, working under pressure, overcoming challenges and celebrating successes.
Do you have any tips for the current AdamBots?
What is something you would have wanted to do differently to reach where you are today? (career-wise or to get to the AdamBots)
I can’t think of anything I would do differently, but I would encourage all AdamBots as they begin their lives after high school to work hard… but make sure to take time to slow down and enjoy life along way
What is special about FIRST?
FIRST gets students excited about STEM, it brings competition, challenge and excitement to help them build skills that they are going to help set them up for success in the future. Dean Kaman said it best “The only difference between our sport and any others… is that every kid can turn pro”.