Rick Drummer
Year you started mentoring the team: 2000
Sub-Teams: Impact, Sustainability, Project Management
What are 2 fun facts about you?
I used to be a florist and still do flower arrangements and sometimes wedding flowers. I was the drum major of my high school marching band.
Why did you join the Adambots?
My son was on the team and my wife told me to join.
What is your favorite memory from robotics?
2005 Einstein
What have you learned from being on the team?
The students are all really smart and will live up to your expectations, so set them high.
Do you have any tips for the current AdamBots?
Get involved outside of your comfort zone.
What is special about FIRST?
Mentored learning. Students can apply what they learn in school to solve problems. Also, our team includes the arts and business.