About the AdamBots
AdamBots Team 245

Peter Pirozzo

Years on Team:

Sub-Teams: All at one time or another

What are 2 fun facts about you?

Vincent & Metteo, my two grandsons, are the sons of my Joseph who was on the team the first year the team was formed. Joseph is now a software Engineer and I have no doubt that Vincent and Metteo will follow in his foot steps.
One of Vincent’s favorite things to do when he visits is to play with his grandpa’s iPad.

Why did you join the Adambots?

I joined to spend time with my son Joseph. I enjoyed working with the kids so much that I stuck around, even after David, my youngest son, was done with his 4 years on the team. David is also a software engineer working on intelligent ground systems for the US Government.

What is your favorite memory from robotics?

My favorite memory was seeing my son David with blue hair at one of the competitions. Also, working with students as they went from freshmen, not knowing which end of a wrench to hold, to team leaders by their senior year.

What have you learned from being on the team?

That working with the students is not all that different than the engineers I work with.

What is special about FIRST?

The opportunities it gives students to discover more about what they can accomplish when they put their minds to work and work as a team.