Mihira Vedula
Class of 2027
Year joined the team: 2023-2024
Sub-Teams: Electrical, sustainability
What are 2 fun facts about you?
I like yogurt!
I would often collect pistachio shells for fun.
Why did you join the AdamBots?
I find the concept of using working together to come up with ideas to solve problems interesting, and this is a great opportunity to learn more skills and explore it while having fun and representing our school.
What is your favorite team memory?
The Saturday build sessions are some of my favorite experiences with the team.
What have you learned from being on the team?
An impact made alone can be magnified greatly with the help and collaboration of a team.
What is special about FIRST?
If there is an intricate, tall wall, whose highest point glows vibrantly, aligned with the horizon, young people, as they are still in the process of growing, fiercely strive to jump and reach that fascinating glow at the top. FIRST, with a playful glint, looks down, grins, and offers a hand, pulling them up after their highest leap that they make and after they reach as high up as they can. It sees how that glow that is waiting at the top lights their faces with satisfaction and happiness. Perhaps there is a second tall wall above which even FIRST strives to jump across with immense excitement, and perhaps FIRST itself crafted that second wall to jump over.