Pranav Redyshetty
Class of 2027
Year joined the team: 2023
Sub-Teams: Mechanical
What are 2 fun facts about you?
I love to play tennis and I am on the Adams Boys JV Team. I also love astronomy and hope to be an astrophysicist or and aerospace/aeronautical engineer.
Why did you join the AdamBots?
I love to engineer an build things. I like to bring my thoughts to life. But as a Freshman, I am all ears to suggestions and learning things from my teammates and mentors to help me succeed on this amazing team.
What is your favorite team memory?
My favorite team memory is going to states and enjoying it with my friends. I got to leave school on Friday to help the scouting team take notes of ever match that day. The whole weekend was packed of a fun experience and memories to share next year.
What have you learned from being on the team?
As a sophomore this year, I have learned a lot about this team from its history to its core values. I learned that we are a big family and that every one is here to help you, teach you, and cheer you on. I have learned a lot on the mechanical side from using lots of tools, building small projects, and helping with the robot.
What is special about FIRST?
It is an amazing program that allows anyone to express their creativity and learn STEAM components in their time in FIRST Robotics. While learning in a classroom, robotics encourages you to follow what you like to do in adulthood, such as I would like to be an aerospace/aeronautical engineer and robotics can help with the physics and geometry etc.