About the AdamBots
AdamBots Team 245

Shriya Waghmare

Class of 2028

Year joined the team: 2024-2025

Sub-Teams: Website and Scouting

What are 2 fun facts about you?

1. I am a IA kid and can still sign in the computers as Adam’s
2. I like reading.

Why did you join the AdamBots?

I joined because I thought it was going to be fun. I also joined to hang out with my friends.

What is your favorite team memory?

Website meetings are very fun.

What have you learned from being on the team?

I learned to be responsible, and independent when I’m doing my work.

What is special about FIRST?

It is very fun to compete against other teams, and it’s not just robotics and there’s stuff like outreach.

What are you looking forward to this year in FIRST?

Hanging out with team members