Aarush Gota
Class of 2025
Year joined the team: 2021-2022
Sub-Teams: Programming, Drive Team, and Impact
What are 2 fun facts about you?
I love playing ping pong and I build a custom training robot. I also enjoy taking photos with my Canon PowerShot
Why did you join the AdamBots?
I have been doing robotics forever, so FRC robotics with the Adambots was the logical next step.
What is your favorite team memory?
Hanging out with the team at Houston Texas in 2023 (The Towel Raids :0)
What have you learned from being on the team?
I learned a lot about vision processing, specifically detecting and analyzing April Tags. I “enjoyed” training neural networks to detect game pieces, even though this feature wasn’t used in competitions.
What is special about FIRST?
The community. Any competition I go to, it is amazing to see how teams that are competing with each other are so willing to help others. Everyone is so friendly and smart.