Anahita Sinha
Class of 2026
Year joined the team: 2022-2023
Sub-Teams: Scouting, Impact
What are 2 fun facts about you?
I love to watch Netflix and go shopping with my friends.
Why did you join the AdamBots?
I joined the AdamBots because I participated in robotics in middle school and really enjoyed it. My sister was also on the team and grew a lot from her experience.
What is your favorite team memory?
My favorite team memory was when Mr.Savage walked into the room and started dancing while we were practicing for the Impact presentation before Troy comp.
What have you learned from being on the team?
I have learned how to listen to other peoples ideas and time manage for different goals.
What is special about FIRST?
FIRST is special because it strives to impact students everywhere. It is constantly expanding and reaching different communities.