About the AdamBots
AdamBots Team 245

Jack Bueltel

Class of 2018

Year joined the team: 

Sub-Teams: Game Strategy/Scouting and Mechanical 3

What are 2 fun facts about you?

I like scouting.

I enjoy partaking in the meals at steak n shake restaurants.

Why did you join the AdamBots?

To expand my knowledge of the engineering field as a whole.

What is your favorite team memory?

Steak and Shake at worlds tastes so much better than anywhere else.

What do you hope to gain from Robotics?

How to CAD and build robots.

What have you learned from being on the team?

How to use many tools and machines to make parts, and how to assess other team’s robots.

What is special about FIRST?

It lets me expand the knowledge of scouting to any and everyone.