Nathan Zhang
Class of 2025
Year joined the team: 2021
Sub-Teams: Electrical, Impact and Communications (Chairmans)
What are 2 fun facts about you?
I enjoy reading and I can play the piano.
Why did you join the AdamBots?
I thought that it would be an excellent opportunity to engage with others while learning new things.I joined because I was in robotics all three years at Van Hoosen Middle School and I had a positive experience. I was also tutored by the Adambots in 5th grade.
What is your favorite team memory?
Testing the ball launcher last season.
What have you learned from being on the team?
I’ve learned how to collaborate with people more effectively as well as building onto my engineering knowledge.
What is special about FIRST or what are you looking forward to this year in FIRST?
It’s competitive nature that encourages teamwork and cooperation.