AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

2016 FRC Blogs: FIRST World Championships

Written by AdamBot Student on May 3, 2016

This past week, April 27th – 30th, the AdamBots traveled to St. Louis for the 2016 FIRST World Championships! This exciting event gave us an incredible opportunity to meet different teams, explore St. Louis, discover scholarships and career opportunities, and have a lot of fun. After arriving in St. Louis late on Tuesday night, we […]

2016 FRC Blogs: Queen City Regional

Written by AdamBot Student on April 3, 2016

This weekend, March 31st through April 2nd, the AdamBots competed at the Queen City Regional in Cincinnati, Ohio. The regional was a lot of fun, and we had a chance to meet teams from all over the United States and abroad that we normally would not see, including a team from Japan, and one from […]

2016 FRC Blogs: Waterford District Competition

Written by AdamBot Student on March 7, 2016

This past Friday and Saturday, March 4th and 5th, the AdamBots and the CyberCats competed at our first competition, the Waterford Kettering District Competition at Waterford Mott High School. Valencia, of the AdamBots, and Excaliper, of the CyberCats, were ready to challenge the other teams after six grueling weeks of the build season. The competition […]

2016 FRC Blogs: Build Week 6

Written by AdamBot Student on February 20, 2016

The last week of build has been extremely busy for the AdamBots. The engineering teams have been very focused on completing the robot. To that end, the CAD Team is finishing dimensioning parts. The Mechanical Teams have been fabricating and assembling the arm and shooter mechanisms for the competition robots. They have also tested climbing […]

2016 FRC Blogs: Build Week 5

Written by AdamBot Student on February 15, 2016

In the fifth week of our build season, the business side of the team had a very exciting week due to our Meet the AdamBots and Cyber Cats Event. The Marketing Team was in charge of organizing the event and other teams helped with different aspects of the event. The Business Plan Team was able […]

2016 FRC Blogs: Build Week 4

Written by AdamBot Student on February 8, 2016

During the fourth week of build season, the AdamBots were able to complete many important tasks for the engineering and business sides of the team.  The Game Strategy and Scouting Team revised the scouting sheet and created a scouting summary sheet. The Mechanical Teams finished the chassis for the practice robot and began working on […]

2016 FRC Blogs: Build Week 3

Written by AdamBot Student on February 1, 2016

The AdamBots have continued our productivity through the third week of the build season. On the engineering side of the team, the Game Strategy and Scouting Team was able to make the basis of scouting sheet for this game, which will be used to facilitate data collection about other teams so that we can make […]

2016 FRC Blogs: Build Week 2

Written by AdamBot Student on January 24, 2016

The AdamBots have had another extremely busy and productive week. On the engineering side of the team, the Design Selection Team selected our design on Tuesday. The Strategy and Scouting Team was able to finalize our strategy for the robot and check that our design meets the basic strategy. They also created an autonomous strategy. […]

2016 FRC Blogs: Build Week 1

Written by AdamBot Student on January 17, 2016

Welcome to FIRST STRONGHOLD, the 2016 FIRST Robotics Competition Game! On January 9th, teams around the world watched online as the new game was revealed. FIRST STRONGHOLD is a medieval tower defender game in which alliances select defenses to fortify their side of the field, and then compete simultaneously to breach the opponent’s defenses and […]

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