AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

2018 FRC Blogs: Bloomfield Girls Robotics Competition

Written by AdamBot Student on November 12, 2018

This weekend, the AdamBots had their penultimate 2018 competition, the Bloomfield Girls Robotics Competition! This event features all-girl drive teams and scholarship opportunities for female students.   After a quick learning curve, our girls showed what they can do and even perfected our autonomous routine. Ranked 26th, we were selected for the 5th alliance of […]

Kettering Kickoff 2018

Written by AdamBot Student on September 20, 2018

On September 14th, the Adambots attended our first of two offseason events: The Kettering Kickoff! Along with 44 other FRC teams, we brought back our 2018 season Power Up! robot to finally end the 2018 season. From the beginning of the day, Adambots in the stands cheered for our drive team in every match, whether […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Indiana Robotics Invitational

Written by AdamBot Student on July 15, 2018

This weekend, the AdamBots traveled to Indianapolis to compete in the Indiana Robotics Invitational (IRI), one of the most competitive events in the world! Each of the 70 world-class teams arrived Thursday night, including teams from Canada, California, Texas, Maine, Mexico, and more. Throughout Friday, we played qualification matches to determine our rank. Due to […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Michigan State Championship

Written by AdamBot Student on April 19, 2018

Thursday marked the beginning of one of the largest robotics competitions in the world, the Michigan State Championship! Entering the championship as the 4th ranked team of the 160 teams in attendance, the AdamBots competed in the Ford Division. Throughout Thursday morning, we played practice matches to test our robot and demonstrate its capabilities for […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Escanaba District Event

Written by AdamBot Student on March 19, 2018

This weekend, the AdamBots traveled to Escanaba in the Upper Peninsula! Arriving on Thursday after an eight hour drive, we set up our pit and prepared our robot for the coming days. Friday couldn’t be busier, between competing with our own robot and assisting other teams with theirs. Our programmers were in extreme demand. You […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Kettering 1 District Event

Written by AdamBot Student on March 8, 2018

We had an incredible time at our first event, the Kettering 1st District! A combination of robot performance and award recognition makes this the most successful overall AdamBots competition in our 20 year history! The competition began on Friday the 3rd with eight qualification matches. Our robot Rosalina proved her abilities by scoring cubes on […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Post-Build

Written by AdamBot Student on February 28, 2018

Our 2018 build season concluded last Tuesday with Bag and Tag Day! Around the world, every team was required to stop working at midnight and put their robot in a bag, not to be touched again until competitions. We finished ours at 9:47 PM! We can’t wait to see how Rosalina the robot competes at […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Build Week Six

Written by AdamBot Student on February 21, 2018

 As the final days of the build season approach, we have become more and more anxious to finish our six-week-long project! Out of our two robots to complete, one for practice and one for competitions, we have some work left on our competition robot. Most of the work put in this weekend will be from […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Build Week Five

Written by AdamBot Student on February 15, 2018

In the fifth week of build, the AdamBots are preparing to finish our competition robot! The Electrical subteam is attaching the pneumatic system to our cube intake as the Mechanical subteams improve our lifting capabilities. Programming is working on our autonomous code while Computer Aided Design finishes the digital robot model. In just under a week, our robot will […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Build Week Three

Written by AdamBot Student on February 1, 2018

The AdamBots saw great progress in week three of the FRC build season! The Mechanical subteams finished the prototypes and the majority of the practice robot, making some tough design decisions. Computer Aided Design is nearly done with the 3D model of the robot that will be used to fabricate the competition robot. Electrical and Programming are working together to prepare the […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Build Week Two

Written by AdamBot Student on January 22, 2018

As the FIRST POWER UP build season has continued, the entire team, whether related to engineering or business, has made great progress! Since Build Week One, we have come closer to finalizing our robot design as well as prototyped many ideas. In the coming week, we will continue to do all of this and more. […]

2018 FRC Blogs: Build Week One

Written by AdamBot Student on January 14, 2018

January 6th marks the beginning of FIRST Power-Up, the FRC game for our 20th season! We viewed the global online kickoff at Emagine Entertainment’s Rochester Hills theatre. In the game, robots must place milk crates on scales to tip them in their favor. Additional points are awarded for each robot that’s 12 inches above the […]

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